Considered the finest panels available for residential and commercial construction, Cedar Valley Shingle Siding Panels are handcrafted with the highest grades of Western Red Cedar.
Real Western Red Cedar
*** CalFire State Fire Marshal Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) Approved Siding ***
Overlapping End-Joints
Unmatched Durability
Corners, Radius Flares, and Column Wraps Available

Real western red cedar shingles hand applied in our factory to save you labor costs while providing three layers of protection for your investment. We offer incredible value, curb appeal, and natural durability with the beauty of real cedar.
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Matching corners, radius flared corner sets, and custom corners all with the stronger “Boston Weave” joint complete a fully integrated siding system. All corner systems are handmade to match the style, exposure, and thickness of the panels you ordered.
Cedar Valley offers an array of custom options to complement your home design. These products include but are not limited to the Decorator Handy Panels, 18-inch Individual Decorator Shingles, and Radius Panels.